03/18/24 Missouri Mondays - It’s Spring Break for MOLeg! Early Voting begins Tues Mar 19 for April 2 Election! MO Dem Presidential Primary is Sat March 23! Your vote is your voice! Make it count!
03/11/24 Missouri Mondays - Important election deadlines! Take URGENT action to restore our repro rights! Tell MOLeg to protect IP & majority rule, Planned Parenthood funding, voting rights, more!
03/04/24 Missouri Mondays - Voter resources for upcoming elections! URGENT ACTIONS on initiative petitions, gun safety, vouchers/charters, signature gathering! News, events, ways to get involved!
02/26/24 Missouri Mondays - Tell MO GOP—NO to guns on buses & churches! NO 18 yr olds with concealed carry permits! / MO Senate bill makes it harder to amend the constitution / More!--
02/19/24 Missouri Mondays - It’s the guns and MO GOP lax laws! Demand change or vote them out! Initiative petitions still under attack! Take urgent action!
02/12/24 Missouri Mondays - Under attack by extreme MO GOP this week-– Planned Parenthood funding, citizen’s initiative petitions, voting rights, diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI), public education!
02/05/24 Missouri Mondays - Be among the first to sign the petition to end Missouri’s cruel abortion ban! Take URGENT ACTION on MOLeg bills to protect initiative petitions, public education, more!
01/29/24 Missouri Mondays - Join pro-Democracy advocates Jan 30 at the MO Capitol! Protect citizen initiative petitions, election workers, voting rights for ALL! Take urgent action on MOLeg bills!