06/17/24 Missouri Mondays - Countdown to the Aug 6 election! We’ve got resources, news, events and ways to get involved! Let’s do this! #HotDemocracySummer
06/10/24 Missouri Mondays - Just 56 days until the Aug 6 election! Rights and freedoms on the line! Find events, voter resources, ways to get involved this week! #HotDemocracySummer
05/27/24 Missouri Mondays - Honor their sacrifice on Memorial Day and beyond / Commit to take action protecting freedoms and democracy for all.
05/20/24 Missouri Mondays - MOLeg 2024 session ends and the effort to gut the citizens initiative process and end majority rule FAILS! THANK YOU Senate Democrats! THANK YOU!
05/13/24 Missouri Mondays - URGENT! Final week of MOLeg! Take action TODAY to protect IP and majority rule! Contact MO Senate to vote NO on SJR 74!
05/06/24 Missouri Mondays - WE DID IT!!! Abortion rights AND min wage / paid sick leave petitions delivered to Secy of State! Still more to do in final weeks of MOLeg! Take action!
04/29/24 Missouri Mondays - #EndTheBan signature gathering wraps up! Stay tuned for announcement! Tell your MO Senator to vote NO on SJR 74 changes to initiative petitions!
04/22/24 Missouri Mondays - FINAL WEEK! Be part of historic effort to put abortion-repro rights on the ballot! Call on MO Leg to protect IP, voting rights restoration,....