05/06/24 Missouri Mondays - WE DID IT!!! Abortion rights AND min wage / paid sick leave petitions delivered to Secy of State! Still more to do in final weeks of MOLeg! Take action!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! WE DID IT!!! Thanks to the monumental efforts of signature gatherers all across the state, Missourians for...
04/29/24 Missouri Mondays - #EndTheBan signature gathering wraps up! Stay tuned for announcement! Tell your MO Senator to vote NO on SJR 74 changes to initiative petitions!
Tell Gov. Parson to veto HB 2634 prohibiting funding for Planned Parenthood! Welcome to Missouri Mondays! The signature gathering wrapped...
04/22/24 Missouri Mondays - FINAL WEEK! Be part of historic effort to put abortion-repro rights on the ballot! Call on MO Leg to protect IP, voting rights restoration,....
... restore statewide presidential primaries, & more! Earth Day activities in KCMetro! It’s the final week to be a part of...
04/15/24 Missouri Mondays - Final weeks to help put abortion rights on the ballot! Keep fighting for majority rule for initiative petitions! Say NO! to abortion ban in the constitution! Take action!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! YOUR HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED TO PUT ABORTION RIGHTS ON THE BALLOT! It’s the final weeks of signature...
04/01/24 Missouri Mondays - Your vote is your voice! VOTE Tuesday, April 2! Citizens petitions still under attack! Stop concealed carry on buses and in churches! TAKE ACTION this week!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! “Your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more...
03/25/24 Missouri Mondays - Lawmakers return - Only 8 weeks to go! TAKE ACTION for citizen petitions, “Clean Slate” voting rights, restore Presidential Primaries!
Join Moms Demand Action-MO Advocacy Day Wed Mar 27 at the Capitol! Make your plan to VOTE in the April 2 Election! Welcome to Missouri...
03/18/24 Missouri Mondays - It’s Spring Break for MOLeg! Early Voting begins Tues Mar 19 for April 2 Election! MO Dem Presidential Primary is Sat March 23! Your vote is your voice! Make it count!
It’s spring break for the Missouri Legislature this week after eleven weeks down and eight to go in the regular session. House Democrats...
03/11/24 Missouri Mondays - Important election deadlines! Take URGENT action to restore our repro rights! Tell MOLeg to protect IP & majority rule, Planned Parenthood funding, voting rights, more!
This is what democracy looks like! Welcome to Missouri Mondays! Friends, it’s another busy week and we are so glad you’re here! THE...