02/10/25 Missouri Mondays - Make calls, submit testimony, DO SOMETHING to use your voice to protect voting rights, initiative petitions, election workers, gun safety, and more!
Citizens ask us to protect our initiative petition process and our Missouri constitution! Welcome to Missouri Mondays! It’s another busy...

02/03/25 Missouri Mondays - You are not powerless! “Make some noise” to fight back threats to Amendment 3, initiative petitions, voting rights, public education, LGBTQ rights, and more!
Advocates at a rally emphasize the importance of strengthening democracy and protecting voting rights, surrounded by signs and banners...

01/27/25 Missouri Mondays - Join us at the Capitol for MO Voting Rights Lobby Day Jan 28 / Time is NOW for MOLeg Calls to Action on elections, gun safety, public education, tax cuts and more!
Advocates gather at the capitol to support strengthening democracy and protecting voting rights. Welcome to Missouri Mondays! The MO...

01/20/25 Missouri Mondays - “Do Not Despair! We Have Work To Do!” / MOLeg updates / Repro Freedom Lobby Day Jan 22 / More events, ways to take action!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays, January 20, 2025. This is not the day millions of Americans had imagined or hoped for. But do not despair. ...

01/13/25 Missouri Mondays - 2025 MO Legislative Session is underway! News, events, voter resources, and ways to get involved this week!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays. First, our thoughts are with all those affected by the devastating wildfires in the Los Angeles area. If you...

01/06/25 Missouri Mondays - Are you ready to take action for democracy and for our rights and freedoms? Let’s go!
Welcome to the first Missouri Mondays of 2025. We hope these last few weeks have been restorative and that you are ready to join us again...

12/02/24 Missouri Mondays - Thanks for defending democracy in 2024! Happy Holidays and we will see you in January!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays. This week lawmakers will begin pre-filing bills for the 2025 legislative session and we expect the GOP’s...

11/25/24 Missouri Mondays - Much to be thankful for but our fight to uphold the will of the people must continue!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays. It’s important to remember – We have much to be thankful for because of you. Despite enormous obstacles,...