05/27/24 Missouri Mondays - Honor their sacrifice on Memorial Day and beyond / Commit to take action protecting freedoms and democracy for all.
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! It’s Memorial Day, a time to remember and honor our fallen. In his Proclamation on Prayer for Peace Memorial...
05/20/24 Missouri Mondays - MOLeg 2024 session ends and the effort to gut the citizens initiative process and end majority rule FAILS! THANK YOU Senate Democrats! THANK YOU!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! The 2024 MO legislative session ended on Friday with the defeat of SJR 74 that would have gutted our 100+...
05/13/24 Missouri Mondays - URGENT! Final week of MOLeg! Take action TODAY to protect IP and majority rule! Contact MO Senate to vote NO on SJR 74!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! It’s the final week of the Missouri Legislature regular session and TODAY the Senate will take up Senate...
05/06/24 Missouri Mondays - WE DID IT!!! Abortion rights AND min wage / paid sick leave petitions delivered to Secy of State! Still more to do in final weeks of MOLeg! Take action!
Welcome to Missouri Mondays! WE DID IT!!! Thanks to the monumental efforts of signature gatherers all across the state, Missourians for...