02/06/23 Missouri Mondays - We must keep fighting to stop GOP attacks on initiative petitions, ...
We must keep fighting to stop GOP attacks on initiative petitions, trans kids, race and diversity education!
Welcome to another Missouri Mondays!
Thank you for staying informed and fighting back against Republican majority attacks on our freedoms and democracy! Your voice makes a difference! Help us spread the word to get involved and sign up for Missouri Mondays updates here: https://www.moactionalliance.com/signup
Tell your State Senator to vote NO on House Joint Resolution HJR 43!
House Joint Resolution HJR 43 was passed in the House last week and is now in the Senate. If passed in the Senate it would go on the ballot for voter approval.
HJR 43
Would dramatically increase the threshold needed for voter approval of proposed constitutional amendments
Seeks to deceive the voters by first asking whether the constitution should be amended to “allow only citizens of the United States to qualify as legal voters” something that's already clear under state law.
“We know it’s put in there to be deceptive to voters,” said House Minority Leader Crystal Quade.
Find your senator using the Legislator Lookup here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Default
Tell State Representatives to vote NO on changes to initiative and referendum petitions!
Hearing on House Bill HB 703 and House Joint Resolution HJR 19
House Elections and Elected Officials Committee
Tuesday Feb 7 at 12:00 P.M.
State Capitol, Jefferson City
House Hearing Room 6
–CALL the members of the House Elections and Elected Officials Committee (member list below) and tell them to vote NO on HB 703 and HJR 19
–SUBMIT written testimony here: https://house.mo.gov/WitnessForm/Default.aspx?bill=HB703¬iceid=7293
Be sure to submit online testimony at least one hour prior to the hearing. Click the confirmation email you receive to ensure your statement is submitted.
–TESTIFY in person against these bills if possible
Among other unnecessary changes to the petition process, this bill requires that petition circulators be citizens of the United States, residents of Missouri or physically present in Missouri for at least 30 consecutive days prior to the collection of signatures, and prohibits them from being compensated based on the number of signatures collected.
Excludes non-voters from participation in the initiative petition process for important issues affecting their communities, infringing on their right to free expression and association.
A similar North Dakota law was struck down by a federal court recently for violating free speech and expression and infringing on the rights of petition circulators to engage in political speech.
HJR 19
Is an attempt to silence the statewide majority. Currently, measures require only a majority of total votes cast but HJR 19 increases the threshhold for passage of both constitutional and statutory amendments to require not only a majority of votes cast, but in addition require a majority of votes in each Senate district.
Measures passed by a majority of votes as is currently the case, reflect the will of the people. Making it more difficult undermines our voices.
Missourians deserve a government that promotes their participation in democracy and respects their majority voices.
House Elections and Elected Officials Committee
Rep. Peggy McGaugh 573-751-2917
Rep. Dan Stacy 573-751-8636
Rep. Brad Banderman 573-751-0549
Rep. Tricia Byrnes 573-751-1460
Rep. Jeff Coleman 573-751-1487
Rep. Bill Falkner 573-751-9755
Rep. Rodger Reedy 573-751-3971
Rep. Alex Riley 573-751-2210
Rep. Adam Schwadron 573-751-2949
Rep. Justin Sparks 573-751-0562
Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch 573-751-1169
Rep. Ken Waller 573-751-4451
Tell Senators to Vote NO on Senate Bill SB 14!
SB 14 - Bill sponsor Republican Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R-Lees Summit)
Bars trans youth from changing the gender marker on their birth certificate because it requires surgery to do so, and bars trans adults from changing their documents if they opt out, or cannot afford surgery.
Hearing SB14
Senate Emerging Issues Committee
Tues Feb 7 - 10:00am
Call these Committee Members!
Sen. Justin Brown, Chair 573-751-5713
Sen. Mike Moon, VChair 573-751-1480
Sen. Elaine Gannon 573-751-4008
Sen. Andrew Koenig 573-751-5568
Sen. Nick Schroer 573-751-1282
Sen. Tracy McCreery 573-751-9762
Sen. Greg Razer 573-751-6607
Tell State Senators to vote NO on Senate Bill SB134!
SB 134 - Bill Sponsor Republican Sen. Mike Moon
Prohibits the discussion of gender identity or sexual orientation by school personnel
“This act establishes the "Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act", which prohibits any school nurse, counselor, teacher, principal, or other personnel at a public or charter school from discussing gender identity or sexual orientation with a student unless such person is a licensed mental health provider with prior parental permission.”
Hearing SB134
Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee
Tues Feb 7 - 8:15am
Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee
Sen. Andrew Koenig, Chair 573-751-5568
Sen. Rick Brattin, VChair 573-751-2108
Sen. Elaine Gannon 573-751-4008
Sen. Denny Hoskins 573-751-4302
Sen. Nick Schroer 573-751-1282
Sen. Curtis Trent 573-751-1503
Sen. Lauren Arthur 573-751-5282
Sen. Doug Beck 573-751-0220
Sen. Greg Razer 573-751-6607
Bill sponsor Republican Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder
Last Action: 2/2/23 - Formal Calendar Senate Bills for Perfection
SB 39
Establishes guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex.
Prohibits a school district or charter school from allowing any student to compete in an athletic competition that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student's biological sex as stated on the student's official birth certificate or other government record as described in the act.
Delinates what constitutes an acceptable official birth certificate.
Threatens withholding state funding from school districts or charter schools.
SB 39 Bill summary here: https://senate.mo.gov/23info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=44496
Find your senator using the Legislator Lookup here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Default
Senate Bills SB 4, SB 42, SB 89 Title: SCS SBs 4, 42 & 89
Last Action: 2/6/2023 - Informal Calendar Senate Bills for Perfection
Several bills have been proposed by Republican Senators Andrew Koenig, Rick Brattin, Ben Brown that would ban any course or unit using Critical Race Theory with no definition of what constitutes CRT. They would restrict the teaching of certain concepts, such as “individuals of any race, ethnicity, color, or national origin are inherently superior or inferior”, create a “Parent’s Bill of Rights”, and would create a transparency portal with teaching materials.”
Tell your senator to condemn and reject limits on race and diversity education in MO schools!
Find your senator using the Legislator Lookup here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Default
More on the Feb 1 debate in the senate here: https://missouriindependent.com/2023/02/01/black-senators-condemn-anti-critical-race-theory-bill/ Missouri Independent Feb 1
“Missouri GOP cloaks a measure limiting ballot initiatives with language about citizen-only voting”
The Missouri House passed a GOP-backed bill that would increase the threshold needed for voter approval of a proposed constitutional amendment. But the first language that Missourians actually asks whether the constitution should be amended to “allow only citizens" to vote — something that's already clear under state law.”
“The Republican-backed bill would increase the threshold needed for voter approval of a proposed constitutional amendment from a simple majority to 60%”
“We know it’s put in there to be deceptive to voters,” said House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, D-Springfield.”
“Democrats call the proposal a cynical ploy to exploit anti-immigrant sentiment in order to trick voters into accepting an otherwise unpopular idea. Adding to their angst is the fact that election experts say the state constitution is already clear that only citizens are allowed to vote in Missouri.
“Article VIII, Section 2 of the Missouri Constitution limits the right to vote to U.S. citizens,” said Travis Crum, professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.
Members of the Missouri House of Representatives mingle on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023, before the start of the legislative session at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City.”
https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2023-02-03/missouri-gop-cloaks-a-measure-limiting-ballot-initiatives-with-language-about-citizen-only-voting KCUR / Missouri Independent Feb 3
“200,000 Missourians estimated to lose Medicaid as eligibility renewals resume”
“The director of Missouri’s Medicaid program said he expects “about 200,000” Medicaid enrollees to lose coverage over the course of a year as a result of the state resuming annual eligibility renewals after a three-year pause.
The state’s Department of Social Services has not previously provided a public estimate of those projected to lose coverage. DSS said Wednesday it expects Medicaid enrollment numbers to “level off” approaching this July, and then “slowly ramp down” by around 200,000 people over the course of the next fiscal year, which lasts from July 2023 to July 2024.
Since the federal public health emergency was declared in March 2020, states have been barred from removing enrollees from Medicaid, in exchange for enhanced federal funds.
That pause on conducting eligibility redeterminations will end April 1. States will resume conducting eligibility checks and can again remove participants from their rolls who are deemed ineligible.
Some Missourians could lose coverage because they are no longer eligible. For example, if they now make too much money to qualify, they could be disenrolled.
Others who continue to be eligible could lose coverage because of procedural errors, such as failing to return proper paperwork. States are working under federal guidelines to limit those types of procedural disenrollments.”
https://missouriindependent.com/2023/02/02/200000-missourians-estimated-to-lose-medicaid-as-eligibility-renewals-resume/ Missouri Independent Feb 2
Find more information on renewing Medicaid eligibility here: https://mydss.mo.gov/renew
With so much important news each week we don’t want you to miss a thing!
Check out our MISSOURI MONDAYS NEWS SUPPLEMENT here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13cokjWlCh2EkY5K6bM357rjVPizZDzxlMqjAuoBQfoI/edit?usp=sharing
Join the MOVPC meeting MONDAY FEB 6 at 10 AM
Text “MOVPC” to 66866 or register HERE: bit.ly/protectmovoters
Our work to protect the vote requires our continued attention! So we hope you'll join our next MOVPC call where we will discuss next steps in our fight to protect the right to vote in Missouri. MOVPC is a nonpartisan statewide network promoting access to the ballot and working to remove barriers to voting in Missouri!
Democratic Legislative Network Monday Night Call
Every Monday night
Want to stay up to date on what's happening in Jefferson City and how YOU can help secure Democratic victories for Missouri? Sign up below to join the Democratic Legislative Network and be a part of our Monday night messaging calls.
Sign up here: Bit.ly/MissouriDLN
Moms Demand Action - Missouri Advocacy Day 2023
Tuesday, March 7 - 10AM
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave
Jefferson City, MO
Join Missouri Moms Demand Action supporters for one of our biggest and most important events of the year. Missourians will travel from all over the state to Jefferson City to discuss solutions to gun violence with our elected officials. Transportation options from around the state are being organized, and virtual options to participate are also forming. Make plans now to join us!
Celebrate 2023 Black History Month (KC Metro)
Jammin' at the Gem with Eric Roberson
Gem Theater
1615 E 18th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
Saturday Feb 11 - 8:00pm
The American Jazz Museum commemorates its 25th anniversary with a series of performances at the Gem Theater. During this month's show, Grammy nominee Eric Roberson brings his original perspectives on R&B and soul sounds as an independent artist who has been performing for more than 20 years.
More information about the American Jazz Museum here: https://www.americanjazzmuseum.org/
Jammin At The Gem Series 2022-2023 more info here: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/jammin-at-the-gem-series-2022-2023-1439419
Friends of Alvin Ailey
Setting the Stage: The Moving Story of African American Dance
Feb. 22 - 7pm
The Gem Theater
1615 E 18th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
Setting the Stage is a visual journey through African American dance history. Setting the Stage is performed by talented local and national artists demonstrating the evolution of American dance styles since the Middle Passage and chronicles historically important dancers and choreographers including Katherine Dunham and Alvin Ailey. 7 p.m. The Gem Theater.
For more information, visit kcfaa.org
FIND MORE UPCOMING ACTIONS AND EVENTS here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19AZUdtRH5WXefOC4Q5D9u-HyuzhBEL8rYX9Ospn3n18/edit?usp=sharing
THANK YOU! for answering the Missouri Mondays CALL TO ACTION!
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us and sign up for Missouri Action Alliance and this Missouri Mondays email at moactionalliance.com/signup
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