03/27/23 Missouri Mondays - Join ACLU, PROMO, MO Faith Voices in Jefferson City! Take action!
Take action for election protection, voting rights, initiative petitions, LGBTQ rights!
Welcome to another Missouri Mondays! It’s a busy week of Lobby Days at the Capitol with ACLU, PROMO, MO Faith Voices and more! We made it easy to take action in Jefferson City or from home to help protect our rights and freedoms! Help us spread the word to get involved and sign up for Missouri Mondays updates here: https://www.moactionalliance.com/signup.
For more than 100 years Missourians have utilized the initiative petition process to make the changes they want to see such as expanding Medicaid coverage for thousands, overturning right to work law harming unions, legalizing medical and recreational marijuana. Now the GOP majority is trying desperately to undermine the will of Missourians by making it harder if not impossible to place a measure on the ballot through the initiative petition process and pass it statewide.
THANK YOU for making phone calls, submitting testimony or testifying on bills that would gut the IP process! We must keep fighting!
Senate Public Hearing on HCS HJR43
TODAY Monday March 27
State Capitol, Senate Lounge
1:30 PM
Find your senator using the Legislator Lookup here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/LegisLookup/Default
Would increase the threshold for passage of constitutional amendments from a simple majority to 60%.
Statutory initiatives would pass with a simple majority. In other words the legislature is exempting their own initiatives from the 60% threshold for passage but a higher bar for citizen initiatives!
Deceptive language defining eligible voters as “only citizens of the United States and residents of Missouri.
Requires the Secretary of State to provide voters in each Congressional district with a period in which to review and comment upon all initiative petitions proposing amendments to the Constitution.
About our current initiative petition process (from Missouri Voter Protection Coalition (MOVPC)
Since 1907 Missourians have made their voices heard through the initiative petition process.
Missourians across the political spectrum have benefitted from the citizen initiative process.
Measures passed by a majority - as is currently the case - reflect the will of the people. Making it more difficult undermines the will of the people.
Lawmakers should reject efforts to make direct democracy more difficult - the deceptive citizenship language stands to weaken the protection for our right to vote in our constitution.
For more information on HCS HJR 43, read testimony in opposition from Missouri Voter Protection Coalition (MOVPC) here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qe32-sdwgSmKTCowLTChqPo46wrh4HtA/view
Executive Session on HB 391
Tuesday March 28
12:00 PM or upon morning recess whichever is later
State Capitol, House Hearing Room 6
CONTACT House Elections and Elected Officials Committee and tell them to vote NO on HB 391!
HB 391
Would prohibit any court from editing the summary statement or ballot language of any ballot measure proposed by the General Assembly.
Courts should have the authority to edit language of summary statements or ballot language that they find to be legally insufficient, deceptive or misleading. This provides important protection for voters to have access to accurate information about a pending measure.
CONTACT House Elections and Elected Officials Committee and tell them to oppose HB 391 and ANY changes to the IP process undermining direct democracy!
Rep. Peggy McGaugh 573-751-2917
Rep. Dan Stacy 573-751-8636
Rep. Brad Banderman 573-751-0549
Rep. Tricia Byrnes 573-751-1460
Rep. Jeff Coleman 573-751-1487
Rep. Bill Falkner 573-751-9755
Rep. Rodger Reedy 573-751-3971
Rep. Alex Riley 573-751-2210
Rep. Adam Schwadron 573-751-2949
Rep. Justin Sparks 573-751-0562
Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch 573-751-1169
Rep. Ken Waller 573-751-4451
Find additional legislation information in the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition (MOVPC) Legislative Tracker here: bit.ly/movotingbills
Public Hearing on SB 346
TODAY Monday March 27 at 2:00pm
State Capitol, Senate Committee Hearing Room 2
CONTACT the Senate Local Government and Elections Committee and tell them to vote YES on SB 346!
TESTIFY in person if possible! Note: Only in person testimony will be entered into the record
About SB 346 – from Missouri Voter Protection Coalition
Creates crime of tampering with election officials - including threats, force, deception, attempts to induce, pressure, harass or other conduct reasonably calculated to harass or alarm election officials or their families, or disseminate personal information about the election official or family. Offense is class D felony; if injury or death, it's a class B felony.
Exempts government entities or those paid by govt from having to register with SOS as a voter registration solicitor (note: this requirement is currently not in effect due to MOVPC's lawsuit)
Makes permanently disabled absentee ballot list confidential
Allows voters casting in-person absentee ballots in person without requisite ID to cast a provisional ballot and extends availability to provisional ballots to all public elections
Expands laws related to electioneering/exit polling/signage to absentee voting period as well as election day and increases buffer zone from 25 feet to 75 feet. Note: This provision is not necessary and may prevent important free speech.
CONTACT the Senate Local Government and Elections Committee and tell them to vote YES on SB 346!
Sen. Elaine Gannon, Chair
Call: 573-751-4008
Email: elaine.gannon@senate.mo.gov
Sen. Sandy Crawford, V-Chair
Call: 573-751-8793
Email: sandy.crawford@senate.mo.gov
Sen. Jill Carter
Call: 573-751-2173
Email: jill.carter@senate.mo.gov
Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman
Call: 573-751-1492
Sen. Andrew Koenig
Call: 573-751-5568
Email: andrew.koenig@senate.mo.gov
Sen. John Rizzo
Call: 573-751-3074
Email: john.rizzo@senate.mo.gov
Sen. Barbara Washington
Call: 573-751-3158
Email: barbara.washington@senate.mo.gov
Executive Session on HB 783
Tuesday March 28
12:00 PM or upon morning recess whichever is later
CONTACT House Elections and Elected Officials Committee and tell them to vote YES on HB 783!
HB 783 is similar to SB 346
This bill establishes the offense of tampering with an election official. This offense shall be a class D felony, unless a violation of this section results in death or bodily injury to an election official or a member of the official's family, in which case the offense is a class B felony.
Provides that if the closing date for filing a declaration of candidacy falls on a holiday, the filing deadline shall be extended to 5:00 pm on the next day that is not a holiday.
Provides that government entities do not have to register with the Secretary of State in order to solicit voter registration applications.
Requires lists of applications and information required for establishing the absentee voting process for persons with permanent disabilities to be kept confidential.
This bill allows an individual without the required voter identification who is requesting an absentee ballot in person to cast a provisional ballot.
The bill allows an individual who lacks the required voter identification who claims to be properly registered in the jurisdiction of the election authority to cast a provisional ballot in any public election.
The distance from the polling location within which electioneering and other designated activities are prohibited is increased from 25 to 100 feet. Note: Like SB 346 this provision is unnecessary and may prevent important free speech.
CONTACT House Elections and Elected Officials Committee and tell them to vote YES on HB 783!
Rep. Peggy McGaugh 573-751-2917
Rep. Dan Stacy 573-751-8636
Rep. Brad Banderman 573-751-0549
Rep. Tricia Byrnes 573-751-1460
Rep. Jeff Coleman 573-751-1487
Rep. Bill Falkner 573-751-9755
Rep. Rodger Reedy 573-751-3971
Rep. Alex Riley 573-751-2210
Rep. Adam Schwadron 573-751-2949
Rep. Justin Sparks 573-751-0562
Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch 573-751-1169
Rep. Ken Waller 573-751-4451
Missourians for Constitutional Freedom has filed 11 ballot measures that would add abortion protections to the Missouri Constitution.
From Missouri Independent –
“Eleven versions of a proposed initiative petition seeking to roll back Missouri’s ban on abortion by adding protections for the procedure to the state constitution were filed Wednesday with the Secretary of State’s office.
Filed by a St. Louis doctor on behalf of a political action committee called Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, the proposals would amend the constitution to declare that the “government shall not infringe upon a person’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” That would include “prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care and respectful birthing conditions.” Penalties for both patients seeking reproductive-related care and medical providers would be outlawed.
But there are key differences on a range of topics between the 11 different proposals.
Each version of the proposed amendment says there must be a “compelling governmental interest” for abortion restrictions to be put in place. But while some allow the legislature to regulate abortion after “fetal viability,” others draw the line at 24 weeks of gestation. Some versions make it clear the state can enact parental consent laws for minors seeking abortions. Others leave the topic out entirely.”
“The next step is for the Secretary of State’s office to accept public comments on the 11 versions of the proposed amendment. A summary will be written and supporters can then begin gathering signatures to place the issue on the 2024 ballot.”
Go to https://www.sos.mo.gov/petitions/2024comment to find full petition text for 11 petitions submitted by “Anna Fitz-James” with Missourians for Constitutional Freedom and click “Submit Comment” button.
Full story on Missourians for Constitutional Freedom’s ballot measures here: https://missouriindependent.com/2023/03/09/group-files-ballot-measures-adding-abortion-protections-to-missouri-constitution/
With so much important news each week we don’t want you to miss a thing!
Check out our MISSOURI MONDAYS NEWS SUPPLEMENT here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13cokjWlCh2EkY5K6bM357rjVPizZDzxlMqjAuoBQfoI/edit?usp=sharing

Join the MOVPC weekly meeting MONDAYS at 10 AM
Text “MOVPC” to 66866 or register HERE: bit.ly/protectmovoters
Our work to protect the vote requires our continued attention! So we hope you'll join our next MOVPC call where we will discuss next steps in our fight to protect the right to vote in Missouri. MOVPC is a nonpartisan statewide network promoting access to the ballot and working to remove barriers to voting in Missouri!
LGBTQ Commission of Kansas City
Jackson County Conversion Therapy Ban Rally
TODAY Monday March 27 at 2:00 PM
Jackson County Courthouse
Kansas City, MO 64106
After the failure of the Jackson County Legislature last week to ban conversion therapy, County Legislator Jalen Anderson is reintroducing a county conversion therapy ban at Monday’s legislative meeting at 3 PM. Join county legislators, members of the community, activists, and those impacted for a rally at 2 PM. Afterwards, we’ll head to the meeting at 3 PM to show Jackson County we want this done. Pass County Ordinance 5726!
Jackson County Legislature Meeting
TODAY Monday March 27 at 3:00 PM
Vote on Ordinance 5726 to Ban Conversion Therapy
Jackson County Courthouse
2nd Floor
415 E 12th St.
Kansas City, MO 64106
CONTACT Jackson County Legislators and tell them to vote YES to ban conversion therapy!
Abstained last week. Urge YES vote!
Donna Peyton (2nd District At-Large) - dpeyton@jacksongov.org
Venessa Huskey (2nd District) - vhuskey@jacksongov.org
DaRon McGee (4th District) - dmcgee@jacksongov.org
Voted no last week. Urge YES vote!
Sean Smith (6th District) - sesmith@jacksongov.org
Voted yes last week. Thank them and urge YES vote again!
Megan Marshall (3rd District At-Large) - mmarshall@jacksongov.org
Charlie Franklin (3rd District) - cfranklin@jacksongov.org
Jeanie Lauer (5th District) - jlauer@jacksongov.org
Thank these legislators for their leadership on banning conversion therapy in Jackson County!
Jalen Anderson - (1st District At-Large) - anderson@jacksongov.org
Manny Abarca (1st District) - mabarca@jacksongov.org
Locate your Jackson County in-district legislator on the map here: https://jacksoncomo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=00aea7b613ee4421b4d37fa2d71c06c9

For more information about registering to vote, checking your voter status, requesting an absentee ballot, and more visit:
Missouri Secretary of State - https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri
League of Women Voters Vote411 - https://www.vote411.org/
Vote 411 Personalized ballot and candidate information - https://www.vote411.org/ballot
Download 2023 Missouri Election Protection voting information palm cards here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QC0GC0JAa_fCBQdIKwR433Zbi5aOVG67/view

Democratic Legislative Network Monday Night Call
Every Monday night at 7pm
Want to stay up to date on what's happening in Jefferson City and how YOU can help secure Democratic victories for Missouri? Sign up below to join the Democratic Legislative Network and be a part of our Monday night messaging calls.
Sign up here: Bit.ly/MissouriDLN
Missouri Faith Voices Lobby Day 2023
Tuesday March 28th
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Meet at First United Methodist Church of Jefferson City
201 Monroe St
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Join us March 28th from 11am-3pm in Jefferson City as we meet with elected officials to discuss the legislative session and what our families need to thrive. We will meet to go over the agenda for the day, provide training on how to engage elected officials, and roleplay conversations at First United Methodist Church of Jefferson City located at 201 Monroe St then walk over to the Capitol for legislative meetings. Lunch will be provided at the church. We look forward to seeing you there!
Register HERE: bit.ly/mfv2023lobbyday
Wednesday March 29
9am - 2pm
State Capitol
Jefferson City, MO
Join the ACLU and help lobby the Missouri Legislature to protect civil liberties!
Together, we’ll support three bills:
HB1047 – Establishes the Biometric Information Privacy Act
HB762 – Prohibits police use of dragnet warrant requests, or “reverse warrants”
SB376 – Expands voting qualifications
And we’ll oppose:
Transgender Medical Ban – SB49
Transgender Sports Ban - SB 39
Attacks to the citizen's initiative process – HJR43
Classroom censorship – SB 4
If you don't know your State Rep or Senator you can check here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/legislookup/default
Wednesday March 29
2:00PM - 5:00 PM
State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave
Jefferson City, MO 65101
More information HERE: https://promoonline.org/events/protest-for-trans-rights/
On Wednesday, March 29, at 2 p.m., PROMO invites all LGBTQ+ Missourians and allies to join our coalition at the Missouri State Capitol to protest all anti-trans legislation at the “Protest for Trans Rights.” The protest will take place on the steps of the Capitol building located at 201 W Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101.
Happy Hour with the Jackson County Democrats!
IBEW 124
Thursday March 30th
6:30 - 8:00 PM
301 E 103rd Terr
Kansas City, MO
Join us on March 30th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM at IBEW 124 for a Happy Hour in support of the Wiggins Fund! We will hear from JCDC committee members Rep. Aaron Crossley & Legislator Jalen Anderson, and more to be announced!
Make your donation HERE: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jcdc330
MO State Rep. Patty Lewis District 25 Town Hall
Saturday April 1
10 AM - 11 AM
Happy Bottoms
303 W 79th St.
Kansas City, MO 64114
Please join Representative Patty Lewis for a mid session Town Hall on Saturday, April 1st at 10 AM which will be held at Happy Bottoms 303 W 79th, Kansas City, MO 64114.
To learn about the wonderful work Happy Bottoms does in our community see happybottoms.org
March is Women’s History Month
“Women's History Month honors and celebrates the struggles and achievements of American women throughout the history of the United States. American women have fought throughout our history to gain rights not simply for themselves, but also for many other underrepresented and disenfranchised groups in America.”
Find Women’s History Month events and more:
Library of Congress: https://womenshistorymonth.gov/
National Women’s History Museum: https://www.womenshistory.org/womens-history/womens-history-month
FIND MORE UPCOMING ACTIONS AND EVENTS here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19AZUdtRH5WXefOC4Q5D9u-HyuzhBEL8rYX9Ospn3n18/edit?usp=sharing
THANK YOU! for answering the Missouri Mondays CALL TO ACTION!
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us and sign up for Missouri Action Alliance and this Missouri Mondays email at moactionalliance.com/signup
Follow us on Twitter at @MissouriAction, on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/MOActionAlliance and check out our website at http://www.MOActionAlliance.com